2013.09-2018.10 加拿大渥太华大学,工学院,博士
2010.09-2013.03 天津科技大学,食品科学与工程学院,硕士
2006.09-2010.07 北京林业大学,生物科学与技术学院,本科
1. 农产品贮藏与加工
2. 食品科学
1. 农产品采后保鲜分子生物学与调控技术
2. 冷链物流安全控制与致病菌检测
3. 农产品加工技术
4. 保鲜材料及装备
2023.09-至今 天津科技大学,食品科学与工程学院,内聘副教授
2021.10-2023.09 天津科技大学,食品科学与工程学院,博士后
2020.04-2021.04 美国德州农工大学,工学院,访问学者
1. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,聚对二甲苯联合树状高分子修饰微流控芯片特异性检测E.coli O157:H7机制研究,2022M712378,2022.06-2023.12,8万元,在研,主持。
2. 天津市科学技术局科技计划项目,蔬菜贮运销气调保鲜关键技术的研究应用,19YDYGHZ00050,2020.04-2022.03,25万元,结题,主持。
3. 天津市科学技术局科技计划项目,大型废热制冷相温库果蔬绿色保鲜技术与装备研发,19YDYGHZ00050,2019.10-2021.09,30万元,结题,主持。
4. 山东省重点研发计划,生鲜农产品产后供应链保鲜减损与节本增效关键技术研发,2021CXGC010809,2021.06-2024.05,303万元,在研,参与。
5. 新疆兵团财政科技计划项目,果蔬绿色保鲜关键技术集成与示范,2020ABA008,2020.01-2022.12,450万元,结题,参与。
6. 美国National Science Foundation (NSF), COVID-19:RAPID: Large-scale functional analysis of antibody repertoire elicited by SARS CoV-2, DBI 2029949,2020.05-2021.04,约130万,参与。
7. 美国National Institutes of Health (NIH), Accelerating discovery of neutralizing paratopes with functional antibody screening technology, 1R21AI139738-01A1, 2020.04-2021.04,约270万元,参与。
1. Fuhao Liang1, Xuejin Li1, Cong Zhou, Xiaodong Wang, Haifen Wang, Junwei Yuan, Yanli Zheng, Xihong Li, Lan Chen, Xiangzheng Yang*, Yuqian Jiang*. Short-term nitric oxide treatment enhances the antioxidant capacity and maintains the preservation quality of Meizao cherries. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. Published online.
2. Xuejin Li1, Yuqian Jiang1, Yue Liu, Lu Li, Fuhao Liang, Xiaodong Wang, Dandan Li, Na Pan, Xihong Li, Xiangzheng Yang*, Yao Tang*. Anti-browning and low-temperature resistance effects of short-time high oxygen pre-stimulation on fresh-cut potatoes during supercooled storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology. Accepted.
3. Yuqian Jiang, Xiaodong Wang, Xuejin Li, Zhaoyuan Wang, Haifen Wang, Wenhan Li, Tao Liu, Xihong Li, Yunbin Jiang*, Yao Tang*. Combination of 1-methylcyclopropene and phytic acid inhibits surface browning and maintains texture and aroma of fresh-cut peaches. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 200 (2023): 112328.
4. Yuqian Jiang, Lu Zhang, Xihong Li, Lan Chen, Junwei Yuan, Haifen Wang, Wenhan Li, Lihua Duan, Yunbin Jiang*, Yao Tang*. Preharvest fungicide treatments reduce the effective SO2 threshold of postharvest fumigation to control pathogens and maintain quality of ‘Red Globe’ (Vitis vinifera) grapes. Journal of food safety, e13047.
5. Yuqian Jiang1, Han Zhang1, Jose A. Wippold, Jyotsana Gupta, Jing Dai, Paul de Figueiredo, Julian L. Leibowitz, and Arum Han*. Sub-second heat inactivation of coronavirus using a betacoronavirus model. Biotechnology and bioengineering, 118 (2021): 2067-2075. (Front Cover)
6. Yuqian Jiang, Zhenyu Qiu, Tao Le, Shan Zou, and Xudong Cao*. Developing a dual-RCA microfluidic platform for sensitive E. coli O157: H7 whole-cell detections. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1127 (2020): 79-88.
7. Yuqian Jiang, Shuying Li, Zhenyu Qiu, Tao Le, Shan Zou, and Xudong Cao*. Rolling circle amplification and its application in microfluidic systems for Escherichia coli O157: H7 detections. Journal of Food Safety, (2019). 59(5): e12671. (Front Cover)
8. Yuqian Jiang, Shan Zou, and Xudong Cao*. A simple dendrimer-aptamer based microfluidic platform for E. coli O157: H7 detection and signal intensification by rolling circle amplification. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, (2017). 251, 976-984.
9. Yuqian Jiang, Shan Zou, and Xudong Cao*. Rapid and ultra-sensitive detection of foodborne pathogens by using miniaturized microfluidic devices: a review. Analytical Methods, (2016), 8(37), 6668-6681.
10. Xihong Li, Yuqian Jiang*, Weili Li, Yao Tang, Juan Yun. Effects of ascorbic acid and high oxygen modified atmosphere packaging during storage of fresh-cut eggplants. Food Science and Technology International, (2014). 20.2: 99-108.
11. 姜瑜倩, 李喜宏, 贠娟, 李罡, 周亚洲, 邓小丁. 不同保鲜剂处理对山药贮藏品质的影响. 食品工业科技, (2012). 9: 402-404.
12. 王晓东, 赵薇, 王梦雅, 梁富浩, 刘岳, 李丽梅, 李喜宏*, 姜瑜倩*. 1-MCP协同壳聚糖处理对板栗保鲜效果的研究,食品研究与开发。
13. 赵薇, 王晓东, 李丹丹, 潘娜, 丁旭, 李喜宏*, 姜瑜倩*, 李丽梅. 温度波动对板栗贮藏期品质的研究,食品研究与开发。