1. 2011.09-2014.07中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,博士
2. 2009.09-2011.07中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,硕士
3. 2005.09-2009.07 青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,学士
1. 2020.02-2020.11,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,农业食品与营养科学系,访问学者
2. 2018.10-至今,天津科技大学食品学院,特聘教授
3. 2017.08-2018.09,天津科技大学食品学院,副教授
4. 2014.07-2017.07,天津科技大学食品学院,讲师
2014年至今,任天津科技大学食品学院讲师、副教授、特聘教授。加拿大阿尔伯塔大学访问学者,2018年天津市第五批创新人才推进计划青年科技优秀人才,国家自然科学基金函评专家、天津市技术合同认定登记评审专家、美国化学学会会员、天津市食品学会会员。一直从事植物蛋白质的结构化学及新功能发掘,基于蛋白质/多糖等生物大分子的天然活性组分载体化及营养学评价,农副产品加工及利用等研究工作。主持国家自然科学基金面上/青年项目、天津市自然科学基金面上/青年项目等课题10余项,参与各类科研项目10余项。在Trends in Food Science and Technology,Chemical Communications,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Food Chemistry,Food Hydrocolloids等期刊发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文40余篇,发表中文论文10余篇。参编英文专著1部,申请发明专利10余项。Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Food Chemistry等10余种国际及国内期刊审稿人。获得2017年中国食品科学技术学会科技创新二等奖1项,参与中国食品科学技术学会及中国商业联合会科技进步二等奖各1项。
[1]R.Yang,J. Tian, Y.Liu, Z. Zhu, J. Sun, D.Meng, Z. Wang, C. Wang, Z. Zhou, L. Chen, Interaction mechanism of ferritin protein with chlorogenic acid and iron ion: The structure, iron redox, and polymerization evaluation.Food Chemistry, 2021, 349, 129144.
[2]R.Yang,M. Liu, Y.Liu,D. Meng, T. Ma, C. Wang, J. Liu, Q. Wang, Z. Zhou, The structure and stability analysis of the peaseed legumin glycosylated by oligochitosan.Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2020,August, DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10715.
[3]R. Yang, P.Zuo, M. Zhang, D.Meng, B. Wang, T. Zhen, Transglutaminase induced oligochitosan glycosylation of ferritin as a novelnanocarrier for food bioactive molecules,Food Hydrocolloids, 2019, 94, 500–509.
[4]R. Yang, Y. Liu, C. Blanchard, Z. Zhou.Channel directed rutinnano-encapsulation in phytoferritin induced by guanidine hydrochloride.Food Chemistry, 2018, 240, 935-939.
[5]R. Yang,Y. Liu, D. Meng, C. Blanchard, Z. Zhou. Alcalaseenzymolysis of red bean (adzuki) ferritin achieves nano-encapsulation of food nutrients in a mild condition.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66, 1999-2007.
[6]R. Yang,J. Tian, Y. Liu, C. Blanchard, Z. Zhou. One step fabrication of phytoferritin chitosan epigallocatechin shell-core nanoparticles by thermal treatment.Food Hydrocolloids,2018, 80, 24-32.
[8]R. Yang, Y. Liu, D. Meng, Z. Chen, C. L. Blanchard, Z. Zhou.Urea-Driven EpigallocatechinGallate (EGCG) Permeation into the Ferritin Cage, an Innovative Method for Fabrication of Protein−Polyphenol Co-assemblies.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 1410−1419.
[8] R Yang,Z. Zhou, G. Sun, Y. Gao, J. Xu. Ferritin, a novel vehicle for iron supplementation and food nutritional factors encapsulation.Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2015, 44: 189- 200.
[9]R. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Zhou, J. Sheng, D. Meng.Microelectric Current Treatment Enhanced Biodegradation of Pumpkin Lignocelluloses by Trichodermareesei RUT-C30.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 4668-4675.
[10]R. Yang, J. Tian, Y. Liu, Z. Yang, D. Wu, Z. Zhou. Thermally Induced Encapsulation of Food Nutrients into Phytoferritin through the Flexible Channels without Additives.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2018, 65, 9950-9955.
[11]R. Yang, L. Chen, T. Zhang, S. Yang, X. Leng, G. Zhao. Self-Assembly of Ferritin Nanocages into Linear Chains Induced by Poly (α, L-lysine).Chemical Communications, 2014, 50: 481−483.
[12]R. Yang, L. Chen, S. Yang, C. Lv, X. Leng, G. Zhao. 2D Square Arrays of protein nanocages through Channel-Directed Electrostatic Interaction with Poly (α, L-Lysine).Chemical Communications, 2014, 50: 2879-2882.
[13]R. Yang, D. Meng, X. Hu, Y. Ni, Q. Li. Saccharification of Pumpkin Residues by Coculturing of Trichodermareesei RUT-C30 and PhanerochaetechrysosporiumBurdsall with Delayed Inoculation Timing.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2013, 61: 9192−9199.
[14]R. Yang, D. Meng, Y. Song, J. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Hu, Y. Ni, Q. Li. Simultaneous Decoloration and Deproteinization of Crude Polysaccharide from Pumpkin Residues by Cross-linked Polystyrene Macroporous Resin.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2012, 60: 8450−8456.
[15]R. Yang, S. Yang, X. Liao, J. Deng, G. Zhao. The Interaction of DNA with Phytoferritin during Iron Oxidation.Food Chemistry,2014, 153: 292−297.
[16]R. Yang,Y. Liu, Y. Gao, Z. Yang, S. Zhao, Y. Wang, C. Blanchard, Z. Zhou. Nano-encapsulation of epigallocatechingallate in the ferritin-chitosan double shells: simulated digestion and absorption evaluation.Food Research International,2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.02.074.
[17]R. Yang, Y. Liu, Y. Gao, Y. Wang, C. Blanchard, Z. Zhou. Ferritin glycosylated by chitosan as a novel EGCG nano-carrier: Structure, stability, and absorption analysis.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 105, 252-261.
[18]R. Yang, Z. Zhou, G. Sun, Y. Gao, J. Xu, P. Strappe, C. Blanchard, Y. Cheng, X. Ding. Synthesis of homogeneous protein-stabilized rutinnanodispersions by reversible assembly of soybean (Glycine max) seed ferritin.RSC advances,2015, 5: 31533-31540.
[19]R. Yang, G. Sun, M. Zhang, Z. Zhou, Q. Li, P. Strappe, C. Blanchard.EpigallocatechinGallate (EGCG) Decorating Soybean Seed Ferritin as a RutinNanocarrier with Prolonged Release Propertyin the Gastrointestinal Tract.Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.2016, 71: 277-285.
[20]R. Yang, Y. Gao, Z. Zhou, P. Strappe, C. Blanchard.Fabrication and characterization of ferritin –chitosan – lutein shell – core nanocompositesandlutein stability and release evaluation in vitro.RSC advances,2016, 6: 35267-35279.
[21] Z. Zhou, J. Xu, Y. Liu, D. Meng, X. Sun, H. Yi, Y. Gao, G. Sun, P. Strappe, C. Blanchard,R. Yang*. Thermal Stability Improvement of Rice Bran Albumin Protein Incorporated with EpigallocatechinGallate.Journal of Food Science,2017, 82, 350-357.
[22] Z. Zhou, G. Sun, Y. Liu, Y. Gao, J. Xu, D. Meng, P. Strappe, C. Blanchard,R. Yang*. A Novel Approach to Prepare Protein-proanthocyanidins Nano-complexes by the Reversible Assembly of Ferritin Cage.Food Science and Technology Research,2017, 23 (2), 329-337.
[23]R. Yang, Y. Liu, Z. Zhou.Selenium and Selenoproteins, from Structure, Function to Food Resource and Nutrition.Food Science and Technology Research, 2017, 23 (3), 363-373.
著 作
[1]. R. Yang, et al. Structure, Function, and Nutrition of Selenium-Containing Proteins from Foodstuffs, “Mineral Containing Protein”, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017, pp 89-116.
获 奖
[4]. 2016年中国食品科学技术学会科技进步奖二等奖,发酵面制品营养功能和食用品质协同调控关键技术和产业化应用,参与,2016-J-16。
E-mail :yangrui@tust.edu.cn