姓 名:方国臻
性 别:女
出生年月: 1966.10
民 族:汉族
1. 1986.09——1990.07,山西师范大学,学士
2. 1996.09——1999.07,华东师范大学,硕士
3. 2002.09——2005.07,南开大学,博士
1. 招收博士研究生
2. 招收硕士研究生
1. 食品科学
2. 食品质量与安全检测
3. 食品安全与品质控制
1. 食品安全检测
2. 先进功能材料制备
3. 仪器联用技术
1. 1990.07——2002.08,大同大学,任教
2. 2005.07——至今,天津科技大学,任教
1. 食品安全分析技术,本科
2. 食品安全检测,研究生
1. 国家自然科学基金:靶向识别食品中农兽药残留的双源驱动式电化学发光可控传感体系构筑及机理研究(2024.01-2027.12,50万元)
2. 国家自然科学基金:基于分子印迹技术的性能可控农兽药多残留检测传感器研究(2012.01-2015.12,51万元)
3. 国家重点研发计划课题,食品霉变环境影响因素的智能化实时监测预警技术研究(2018.01-2021.12,339万元)
4. 国家科技支撑计划课题:重要食品生产加工过程危害物控制与溯源技术研究及示范(2012.01-2014.12,456万元)
5. 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题:基于人工抗体的毒素富集与高灵敏检测技术研究(2012.01-2015.12,270万元)
1. 2006年,获中国分析测试协会科学技术一等奖
2. 2009年, 获天津市自然科学二等奖
3. 2010年,获教育部科技技术进步二等奖
4. 2013年,获福建省科学技术进步二等奖
1. 科研论文:
近年来,在Chemical Engineering Journal (IF:15.1, 1区 Top Journal),Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF:13.6, 1区 Top Journal),Biosensors and Bioelectronics(IF: 12.6, 1区Top Journal),Food Chemistry(IF:8.8, 1区 Top Journal),Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (IF:8.4, 1区 Top Journal),Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry(IF: 6.1, 1区 Top Journal),Food Control(IF: 6.0, 1区 Top Journal),Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF: 11.9, 2区Top Journal)等期刊上以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文150多篇。
2. 近两年发表SCI论文:
3. Xuelian Hu, Yichuan Cao, Lin Cai, Haiyang Wang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, A smartphone-assisted optosensing platform based on chromium-based metal-organic framework signal amplification for ultrasensitive and real-time determination of oxytetracycline, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 444, 130395.
4. Lin Cai, Haiyang Wang, Yichuan Cao, Wen Hao, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, “Blocking-effect” detection strategy of clenbuterol by molecularly imprinted electrochemiluminescence sensor based on multiple synergistic excitation of AgNW luminophores signal with highly active BNQDs@AuNFs nanoscale co-reaction accelerator, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023, 234, 115336.
5. Haiyang Wang, Lin Cai, Wen Hao, Yuwei Wang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, Melamine-Ag with dual functions of electrochemiluminescence luminophore and coreactant accelerators: Construction of MIP/M-Ag@MoS2-QDs sensing platform for specific detection of thiabendazole, Food Chemistry, 2023, 425, 136472.
6. Wen Hao, Haiyang Wang, Lin Cai, Yichuan Cao, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, A high affinity borate ester bond molecularly imprinted sensor based on multistage amplification of UCNPs-NH2 electrochemiluminescence with bifunctional synergistic accelerator CeO2@N-MC for ultrasensitive detection of ribavirin, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2023, 393, 134230.
7. Xuelian Hu, Ying Guo, Jinni Zhang, Xiaohui Wang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, A signal-amplified ratiometric fluorescence biomimetic sensor based on the synergistic effect of IFE and AE for the visual smart monitoring of oxytetracycline, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 433, 134499.
8. Haiyang Wang, Yuwei Wang, Lin Cai, Chang Liu, Bo Zhang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, Polythionine-mediated AgNWs-AuNPs aggregation conductive network: Fabrication of molecularly imprinted electrochemiluminescence sensors for selective capture of kanamycin, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 434, 128882.
9. Xuelian Hu, Ying Guo, Tao Wang, Chang Liu, Yukun Yang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*,A selectivity-enhanced ratiometric fluorescence imprinted sensor based on synergistic effect of covalent and non-covalent recognition units for ultrasensitive assay of ribavirin, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 421, 126748.
10. Haiyang Wang, Lin Cai, Yuwei Wang, Chang Liu, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, Covalent molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor modulated by borate ester bonds for hygromycin B detection based on the synergistic signal amplification of Cu-MOF and Mxene, Food Chemistry, 2022, 383, 132382.
11. Chang Liu, Lin Cai, Yuwei Wang, Haiyang Wang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, A controllable-enhanced Ru(bpy)32+ electrochemiluminescence detection system based on Eu@MOF253@AuNPs/GCE for the sensitive detection of carbaryl in food, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 6264−6271.
12. Meng Zhang, Yukun Yang, Yuwei Wang, Bo Zhang, Haiyang Wang, Guozhen Fang*, Shuo Wang*, A molecularly imprinted electrochemical sensor based on cationic intercalated two-dimensional titanium carbide nanosheets for sensitive and selective detection of triclosan, Food Control, 2022, 132, 108532.
1. 参编教材:《仪器分析》,地震出版社,2001年4月第一版
2. 编著:《新显色剂及其在光度分析中的应用》,化学工业出版社,2003年10月第一版.
1. 一种用于检测痕量桔霉素的分子印迹压电传感器及其制备方法;ZL 2015 1 0822178. 9。
2. 一种赭曲霉毒素上转换荧光传感材料及其制备方法;ZL 2015 1 0819725. 8。
3. 一种黄曲霉毒素分子印迹材料及其制备方法;ZL 2015 1 08200896. 2。
4. 一种盐酸克仑特罗分子印迹膜电化学发光传感器的制备方法;ZL 2017 1 0939278. 9。
5. 一种顺式氯氰菊酯上转换荧光传感材料的制备方法;ZL 2018 1 1062616. 6。
1. 食品中痕量真菌毒素的仿生荧光传感检测技术
2. 食品中抗生素的智能手机-荧光联用型可视化检测技术
3. 食品中痕量农兽药残留的仿生电化学传感器检测技术
电 话:022-60912493
E-mail :fangguozhen@tust.edu.cn