研究领域:食品/农产品生物高效转化、新产品开发及营养代谢,特别关注功能性碳水化合物和蛋白质的高效利用、功能食品因子的高效生物生产以及与能量代谢有关的营养代谢病机理研究等,致力于为食品生产、安全控制和营养效价提供理论依据及技术支持。担任4个国际英文期刊的编委,为多个食品领域国际顶级杂志(J Agric Food Chem, Trends in Food Sci Tech, Food Chem, Carbohydrate Polymers, etc)的特邀评阅专家,以第一或通讯作者发表了150余篇科研论文 ,多篇SCI论文的单篇他引次数近200次,先后荣获5项国际科技奖项。近五年承担了国家自然基金面上、国家自然基金地方联合基金重点项目(合作方负责人)、科技部中欧合作基金、科技部重点星火计划项目和科技部农业成果转化项目、国家外专局高端外专项目近20项,以第一完成人获得5项国内省部级科技进步奖,研究成果被美国Life Science Weekly,Food Weekly News 和 Obesity, Fitness & Wellness Week等评论为食品界的新发现,多次被邀在国际科技大会上作口头报告。同时还担任天津市绿色食品加工国际联合研究中心主任、中式主食工程技术企业重点实验室主任和中国农学会藜麦分会副会长等。
(2)粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程: 粮油食品加工与营养
(3)生物技术与食品工程学科: 食品生物技术
2012.09-至今 天津科技大学教授/博导、“海河学者”特聘教授
2003.07-2004.07 香港大学博士后
1989.01-1999.10 江南大学讲师、副教授
(2)国家自然基金- 广东联合基金重点项(合作方负责人)
(1) 荞麦活性物质的高效分离提纯及其抑制胚胎干细胞成脂化的新技术。ZL:201410108213.6
(2) 刺激肠道菌群高产防癌剂丁酸的抗性淀粉筛选及结构剖析。ZL:201210388286.6
(3) 含纳米级结晶体抗性淀粉的制备以及对人体肠道微生物调控。ZL:201210388297.4
(4) 绿色加工工艺交联蜡质玉米淀粉壳聚糖提高抗性淀粉含量的新方法。ZL:201410105038.5
(5) 含大孔径淀粉输送抗氧化物白藜芦醇的新技术。ZL:201410108211.7
[1] Si, X., Shang, W., Zhou, Z., Shui, G., Lam, S., Strappe, P. & Blanchard, C. Gama-aminobutyric Acid Enriched Rice Bran Diet Attenuates Insulin Resistance and Balances Energy Expenditure via Modification of Gut Microbiota and SCFAs. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 2018, 66(4), 881-890. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b04994.
[2] Xiaojuan Guo, Wenting Shang, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard, Zhongkai Zhou. Peptides derived from lupin proteins confer potent protection against oxidative stress[J]. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture. 2018. Doi: 10.1002/jsfa.9059.
[3] Wenting Shang, Xu Si, Zhongkai Zhou, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard. Wheat bran with enriched gama-aminobutyric acid attenuates glucose intolerance and hyperinsulinemia induced by high-fat diet [J]. Food & Function. 10.1039/C8FO00331A, 2018.
[4] Yuqian Liu, Zhongkai Zhou, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard. Impact on the nutritional attributes of rice bran following various stabilization procedures[J]. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2018. Doi: 10.1080/10408398.2018.1455638.
[5] Rang Yang, Jing Tian, Yuqian Liu, Demei Meng, Chris Blanchard, Zhongkai Zhou. One-step fabrication of phytoferritin-chitosan-epigallocatechin shell-core nanoparticles by thermal treatment [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 80,24-32.
[6] Rui Yang, Yuqian Liu, Yunjing Gao, Zhiying Yang, Siqi Zhao, Yongjin Wang, Chris Blanchardb, Zhongkai Zhou*. Nano-encapsulation of epigallocatechin gallate in the ferritin-chitosan double shells: simulated digestion and absorption evaluation. Food Research International, 2018, 108:1-7.
[7] Rui Yang, Yuqian Liu, Chris Blanchard, Zhongkai Zhou*. Channel directed rutin nano-encapsulation in phytoferritin induced by guanidine hydrochloride. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240, 935-939.
[8] Rui Yang, Yuqian Liu, Christopher L. Blanchard, and Zhongkai Zhou*. Alcalase enzymolysis of red bean (adzuki) ferritin achieves nano-encapsulation of food nutrients in a mild condition. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66, 1999-2007.
[9] Rui Yang, Jing Tian, Desheng Wang, Chris Blanchard, Zhongkai Zhou*. Chitosan binding onto the epigallocatechin-loaded ferritin nanocage enhances its transport across Caco-2 cells. Food & Function, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8FO00097B.
[10] Wenting Shang, Huijuan Dong, Padraig Strappe, Zhongkai Zhou, ChrisBlanchard. Characterization of endogenous antioxidant attributes and its influence on thermal stability of canola oil. RSC Advance, 2018, accepted.
[1] Si, X., ZhongKai Zhou, Strappe, P., & Blanchard, C. A Comparison of RS4-type Resistant Starch to RS2-type Resistant Starch in Suppressing Oxidative Stress in High Fat-Diet Induced Obese Rats. Food & Function, 2017, 25, 232-240.
[2] Si X, Strappe P, Blanchard C, et al. Enhanced Anti-obesity Effects of Complex of Resistant Starch and Chitosan in High Fat Diet Fed Rats. Carbohydr Polym, 2017, 157:834-841.
[3] Xu Si, Wenting Shang, Zhongkai Zhou, Padraig Strappe, Bing Wang, Anthony Bird, and Chris Blanchard. Gut Microbiome-induced Shift of Acetate to Butyrate Positively Manages Dysbiosis in High Fat Diet. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 10.1002/mnfr.201700670.
[4] ZhongKai Zhou, Jingjing Xu, Yuqian Liu, Demei Meng, Xiaoli Sun, Hong Yi, Yunjing Gao, Guoyu Sun, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard, Rui Yang. Thermal Stability Improvement of Rice Bran Albumin Protein Incorporated with Epigallocatechin Gallate. Journal of Food Science, 2016, 82, 350-357.
[5] Zhongkai Zhou; Guoyu Sun, Yuqian Lui, Yunjing Gao, Jingjing Xu, Demei Meng, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard, Rui Yang. A Novel Approach to Prepare Protein-proanthocyanidins Nano-complexes by the Reversible Assembly of Ferritin Cage. Food science and technology research, 23, 329-337, DOI: 10.3136/fstr.23.329.
[6] Rui Yang, Yuqian Liu, Demei Meng, Zhiyu Chen, Christopher L. Blanchard, and Zhongkai Zhou. Urea-Driven Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Permeation into the Ferritin Cage, an Innovative Method for Fabrication of Protein−Polyphenol Co-assemblies,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65, 1410−1419.
[7] Rui Yang, Yuqian Liu, Zhongkai Zhou. Selenium and Selenoproteins, from Structure, Function to Food Resource and Nutrition. Food Science and Technology Research, 2017, 23 (3), 363-373.
[8] Rui Yang, Yuqian, Liu, Yunjing Gao, Yongjin, Wang, Chris Blanchard, Zhongkai Zhou. Ferritin glycosylated by chitosan as a novel EGCG nano-carrier: Structure, stability, and absorption analysis. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2017.07.040.
[9] Rui Yang, Yuqian Liu, Chris Blanchard, Zhongkai Zhou. Channel directed rutin nano-encapsulation in phytoferritin induced by guanidine hydrochloride. Food Chemistry, 2018, 240, 935-939.
[10] Jing Li, Wenting Shang, Xu Si, Dandan Bu, Padraig Strappe, Zhongkai Zhou, Chris Blanchard.Carboxymethylation of corn bran polysaccharide and its bioactive property. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2017, 52(5):1176-1184.
[11] Yongjia Diao, Xu Si, Wenting Shang, Zhongkai Zhou, Zhiwei Wang, Paiyun Zheng, Padraig Strappe and Chris Blanchard. Effect of interactions between starch and chitosan on waxy maize starch physicochemical and digestion properties. CyTA-Journal of Food, 2017:1-9. DOI:org/10.1080/19476337.2016.1255916.
[12] Ruge Cao , Xingyue Yang , Wenting Shang , Zhongkai Zhou,Padraig Strappe. Functional enrichment of mannanase-treated spent brewer yeast. Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2017 , 47 (8) :789.
[13] Ruge Cao, Xue Yang, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard and Zhongkai Zhou, Natural products derived from tea on the solubility of hesperidin by LC-TOF/MS and NMR. International Journal of Food Properties, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10942912.2017.1295258.
[14] Ruge Cao, Yali Zhao, Zhongkai Zhou, Xiaoyu Zhao. Enhancement of the water solubility and antioxidant activity of hesperidin by chitooligosaccharide. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2017. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8734.
[15] Yuyang Wang, Zhongkai Zhou, Yongjia Diao, Padraig Strappe and Chris Blanchard. The potential role of p53 and MAPK pathways in the hepatotoxicity of deep-fried oil and in resistant starch-induced protection. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 2017. DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201600296.
[16] Junxuan Wang, Xu Si, Wenting Shang, Zhongkai Zhou, Padraig Strappe and Chris Blanchard. Effect of single or combined administration of resistant starch and chitosan oligosaccharides on insulin resistance in rats fed with a high-fat diet. Starch ‐ Stärke, 2017, 69, 1600209.
[17] Wenting Shang, Xu Si, Zhongkai Zhou, Junxuan Wang, Padraig Strappe, Chris Blanchard. Studies on the unique properties of resistant starch and chitooligosaccharide complexes for reducing high-fat diet-induced obesity and dyslipidemia in rats. Journal of functional food, 2017, 38, 20-27.
[18] Wenting Shang, Xu Si, Zhongkai Zhoua, Ying Li, Padraig Strappec, Chris Blanchard. Characterization of fecal fat composition and gut derived fecal microbiota in high-fat diet fed rats following intervention with chito-oligosaccharide and resistant starch complexes. Food & Function. 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C7FO01244F.
[19] Wenting Shang, Xu Si, Padraig Strappe, Zhongkai Zhou, Chris Blanchard. Resistant starch attenuates impaired lipid biosynthesis induced by dietary oxidized oil via activation of insulin signaling pathways. RSC Advances, doi: C7RA08855H.
[20] Yuqian Liu, P. Strappe, Wenting. Shang, and ZhongKai Zhou. Functional peptides derived from rice bran proteins. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, doi: org/10.1080/10408398.2017.1374923.
[21] Xiaoyu Shen, Wenting Shang, Padraig Strappe, Ling Chen, Xiaoxi Li, Zhongkai Zhoua, Chris Blanchard. Manipulation of the internal structure of high amylose maize starch by high pressure treatment and its diverse influence on digestion. Food Hydrocolloids, doi: org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2017.09.015.
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