姓名: 巨瑶君
性别: 女
出生年月: 1989年4月
民族: 汉族
政治面貌: 中共党员
2016.08-2021.01 澳门大学健康科学学院,博士
2012.08-2015.04 澳门大学中华医药研究院,硕士
2008.09-2012.07 鲁东大学生命科学学院,本科
1. 食品科学
2. 食品营养与安全
1. 食品感官品质形成机理及调控机制
2. 食品安全危害因子的检测与防控机制
1. 2021.07-2023.07 食品科学与工程学院 博士后
2. 2023.07 -今 食品工程与工程学院 讲师
1. 酱油生物活性肽作为减盐鲜味剂的开发应用,横向课题,主持,在研,2023-2024
2. 碳酸酐酶Ι参与调控肠上皮稳态在食源铝诱发肠道损伤中的分子机制,天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划,参与,在研,2022-2025
1. Y. Ju, L. Sun, X. Zhang, W. Li and L. Hou, Fractionation, identification and umami characteristics of flavor peptides in natural brewed soy sauce, Food Chemistry, 2023, 425, 136501.
2. Y. Ju, D. Bu, B. Li and D. Cheng, Protective function and mechanisms of soybean peptides on aluminum maltolate induced brain and liver toxicity on C57BL/6 mice, Food Bioscience, 2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2023.102481, 102481.
3. L. Ruan, Y. Ju (共同一作), C. Zhan and L. Hou, Improved umami flavor of soy sauce by adding enzymatic hydrolysate of low-value fish in the natural brewing process, LWT, 2022, 155, 112911.
4. Y. Ju and K. Y. Tam, 9R, the cholinesterase and amyloid beta aggregation dual inhibitor, as a multifunctional agent to improve cognitive deficit and neuropathology in the triple-transgenic Alzheimer's disease mouse model, Neuropharmacology, 2020, 181, 108354.
5. Y. Ju, H. Chakravarty and K. Y. Tam, An Isoquinolinium Dual Inhibitor of Cholinesterases and Amyloid β Aggregation Mitigates Neuropathological Changes in a Triple-Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2020, 11, 3346-3357.
6. H. Chakravarty, Y. Ju (共同一作), W.-H. Chen and K. Y. Tam, Dual targeting of cholinesterase and amyloid beta with pyridinium/isoquinolium derivatives, Drug Dev. Res., 2020, 81, 242-255.
7. Y. Ju and K. Y. Tam, Pathological mechanisms and therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer's disease, Neural Regen Res, 2022, 17, 543-549. 本论文入选2022年度 Essential Science Indicators (ESI) Highly Cited/Hot Paper(高被引(ESI 1%)/热点论文(ESI 0.1%))。
8. Q. Zhang, W. Zhou, S. Yu, Y. Ju, S. K. Y. To, A. S. T. Wong, Y. Jiao, T. C. W. Poon, K. Y. Tam and L. T. O. Lee, Metabolic reprogramming of ovarian cancer involves ACSL1-mediated metastasis stimulation through upregulated protein myristoylation, Oncogene, 2020, 40, 97-111.
E-mail :juyaojun@tust.edu.cn