姓 名:郭擎
性 别:男
民 族:汉
1.2017.09-2021.06 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,博士
2.2014.09-2017.03 天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,硕士
3.2010.09-2014.06 天津科技大学食品科学与工程学院,本科
4.2020.01-2021.01 马萨诸塞大学大学(美国),访问学者
1. 担任《Food Hydrocolloids》、《Food Chemistry》、《食品工业科技》等期刊审稿专家
1. 食品科学
2. 食品营养
1. 食品功能因子递送系统开发
2. 食品分子相互作用
3. 功能食品开发
1.2021.07-今 食品科学与工程学院 内聘副教授
1. 食品添加剂与配料,本科
2. 实验设计与统计分析,本科
3. 食品专业英语写作,本科
4. 现代生物学导论,本科
1. 玉米醇溶蛋白/藻酸丙二醇酯/小分子乳化剂三元复合胶体颗粒稳定β-胡萝卜素Pickering乳液机理研究(31871842),面上项目,国家自然科学基金委。
2. 现代饮料高速灌装加工技术及成套装备开发(2018YFD0400900),“十三五”国家重点研发项目,中国农村技术开发中心。
1. Guo, Q., Bayram, I., Shu, X., Su, J., Liao, W., Wang, Y., Gao, Y. Improvement of stability and bioaccessibility of β-carotene by curcumin in pea protein isolate-based complexes-stabilized emulsions: Effect of protein complexation by pectin and small molecular surfactants. Food Chemistry, 2022, 367, 130726.
2. Guo, Q., Shu, X., Su, J., Li, Q., Tong, Z., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Gao, Y. Interfacial properties and antioxidant capacity of pickering emulsions stabilized by high methoxyl pectin-surfactant-pea protein isolate-curcumin complexes: Impact of different types of surfactants. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 2022, 153, 112453.
3. Guo, Q., Su, J., Shu, X., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Liu, J., Gao, Y. Fabrication, structural characterization and functional attributes of polysaccharide-surfactant-protein ternary complexes for delivery of curcumin. Food Chemistry, 2021, 337, 128019.
4. Guo, Q., Shu, X., Hu, Y., Su, J., Chen, S., Decker, E., Gao, Y Formulated protein-polysaccharide-surfactant ternary complexes for co-encapsulation of curcumin and resveratrol: Characterization, stability and in vitro digestibility. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 222, 106265.
5. Guo, Q., Bayram, I., Zhang, W., Su, J., Shu, X., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Gao, Y. Fabrication and characterization of curcumin-loaded pea protein isolate-surfactant complexes at neutral pH. Food Hydrocolloids, 2021, 222, 106214.
6. Guo, Q., Su, J., Shu, X., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Gao, Y. Development of high methoxyl pectin-surfactant-pea protein isolate ternary complexes: Fabrication, characterization and delivery of resveratrol. Food Chemistry, 2020, 321, 126706.
7. Guo, Q., Su, J., Shu, X., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Liu, J., Gao, Y. Production and characterization of pea protein isolate-pectin complexes for delivery of curcumin: Effect of esterified degree of pectin. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 105, 105777.
8. Guo, Q., Su, J., Xie, W., Tu, X., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Gao, Y. Curcumin-loaded pea protein isolate-high methoxyl pectin complexes induced by calcium ions: Characterization, stability and in vitro digestibility. Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 98, 105284.
9. Guo, Q., Su, J., Yuan, F., Mao, L., Gao, Y. Preparation, characterization and stability of pea protein isolate and propylene glycol alginate soluble complexes. Lwt-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 101, 476-482.
10. Guo, Q., Gao, S., Sun, Y., Gao, Y., Wang, X., & Zhang, Z. Antioxidant efficacy of rosemary ethanol extract in palm oil during frying and accelerated storage. Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 94 (30), 82-88.
电 话:022-60912595
E-mail :qingguo@tust.edu.cn